MediaWiki API result

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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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                "logid": 752,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Recycling/Trash Disposal",
                "pageid": 330,
                "logpage": 330,
                "revid": 1366,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Colin",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-20T17:24:34Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"* '''Wednesdays''' are dumpster pickup days.  :Please keep the parking spaces by both dumpsters (4931 and 4935) clear from '''8am to 6pm'''.  * The space is currently redirecting/saving the following materials for reprocessing: ** [[Electronic Waste]] ** [[Aluminum Cans]] (member project) ** [[Tabs from Aluminum Cans]] (member project) ** [[Hazardous Materials]], aka '''HAZMAT'''  '''Please do not dispose of HAZMAT in the dumpsters.''' This is  * really not good for anyb...\""
                "logid": 751,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Facility Maintenance",
                "pageid": 329,
                "logpage": 329,
                "revid": 1365,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Colin",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-20T17:13:46Z",
                "comment": "Facility Maintenance/Improvement"
                "logid": 750,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "HP Designet-T1100ps printer-leebcs writeup",
                "pageid": 328,
                "logpage": 291,
                "revid": 1362,
                "params": {
                    "target_ns": 0,
                    "target_title": "HP Designjet-T1100ps printer-leebcs writeup"
                "type": "move",
                "action": "move",
                "user": "Jonadair",
                "timestamp": "2025-02-13T20:10:26Z",
                "comment": ""
                "logid": 749,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "HowTo: Transfer Files",
                "pageid": 327,
                "logpage": 327,
                "revid": 1328,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Moss",
                "timestamp": "2024-12-13T04:05:23Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"=== ShareDrop === [ Open source] web app that works on Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS devices that are connected to the internet (WiFi/cellular/Ethernet).  # Open a web browser and navigate to [ ShareDrop] on '''both devices''' (sender and receiver). # Use the '''receiving''' device to press the '''+''' symbol on the top right of the ShareDrop page. # Use the '''sending''' device to scan the QR code that...\""
                "logid": 748,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Tools: Vacuum Former",
                "pageid": 326,
                "logpage": 326,
                "revid": 1326,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Moss",
                "timestamp": "2024-12-13T03:46:33Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"==== Documentation ====\""
                "logid": 747,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Projects: 3d Printing Advent Calendar 2025",
                "pageid": 325,
                "logpage": 325,
                "revid": 1316,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Donw",
                "timestamp": "2024-12-01T15:25:31Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"# TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD # TBD  [[Projects: 3d Printing Advent Calendar 2024|< 2024]] | [[Projects: 3d Printing Advent Calendar 2026|2026 >]]  [[Category:Projects]] [[Category:3D Printing]] [[Category:Fabrication]]\""
                "logid": 746,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Consumables",
                "pageid": 0,
                "logpage": 118,
                "params": {},
                "type": "delete",
                "action": "delete",
                "user": "Jonadair",
                "timestamp": "2024-09-03T19:51:35Z",
                "comment": "not sure why this was even separate from the other donations"
                "logid": 745,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Calendar",
                "pageid": 0,
                "logpage": 170,
                "params": {},
                "type": "delete",
                "action": "delete",
                "user": "Jonadair",
                "timestamp": "2024-09-02T18:00:34Z",
                "comment": "kind of out of date"
                "logid": 744,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Tools: Woodmaster W-3875 Drum Sander",
                "pageid": 324,
                "logpage": 324,
                "revid": 1298,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Jonadair",
                "timestamp": "2024-08-12T19:54:54Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"[[File:Woodmaster-W-3875.jpg|250px|thumb|right|W-3875 Drum Sander]]  The Woodmaster W-3875 Drum Sander is a 5HP, 38\" sander.  == Links ==  * [ Product page]  [[Category:Wood Shop]] [[Category:Fabrication]] [[Category:Tools]]\""
                "logid": 743,
                "ns": 6,
                "title": "File:Woodmaster-W-3875.jpg",
                "pageid": 323,
                "logpage": 323,
                "revid": 1297,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Jonadair",
                "timestamp": "2024-08-12T19:53:59Z",
                "comment": ""