Member Storage
We have a Member Storage Policy document here.
Do not store hazardous materials including propane canisters.
Members can rent two sizes of member storage in 4933: totes and pallets.
Storage Totes
These are the black and yellow 27 gallon totes mostly in wooden racks along the wall in 4933.
Please fit your items inside the tote and don't stack them on top of the lid or storage rack. Totes may be relocated at times so do not store very fragile or spillable items.
To claim one, find an empty, unlabelled tote, label it, and make payment.
Put a label with your name on it, preferably on both ends of the tote in case it gets flipped around. There are label maker machines in the office supply area of 4931 but tape and Sharpie marker works too.
The totes are $5/month and you pay through our Square Store
Free Storage Totes
Note that some members are provided free storage totes as needed:
- Supporting Member ($100/month) membership level - up to two storage totes
- Shop Stewards - up to two storage totes
- Instructors - totes as necessary to hold class materials onsite - please label with class name
Storage Pallets
These are the pallets located on the raised slab in the rear of 4933.
Please see the sign and map on the wall next to the yellow ramp for details and how to mark a pallet as yours.
If no pallets are vacant, please message in #members to see if one can be made available.
Items on your pallet must fit onto the pallet with no overhang and must be stacked stably enough to be moved.
The pallets are $30/month and you pay through our Square Store